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Ear wax removal

Ear wax is normal and is produced to form a protective coating over the skin in the ear canal. Ears are normally self-cleaning; the skin and tiny hairs in your ear canal act like a conveyor belt, stretching along your ear canal from your ear drum bringing any wax and debris.


This is helped by the movement of your jaw; when you chew and talk this helps to move the wax along the ear canal, where it will usually fall out naturally without you noticing. Experiencing an earwax blockage is not a serious problem, more a nuisance. Ear syringing or irrigation is no longer routinely recommended as a method for treating earwax, due to the potential risk of complications.


Ear wax removal 

Ear wax removal may be necessary to relieve fullness/blocked sensation of the ear, and/or to enable otoscopy and hearing check.


If the wax cannot be fully removed, a second or third appointment may be required with further softening of the wax for a few days between visits using alternative softeners as advised.

Two methods of wax removal may be used during your appointment, microsuction and/or manual removal using an instrument. Your ear care practitioner will choose the most appropriate method.

Cost: - wax removal (1 ear) £60

         - wax removal (both ears) £75

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