Medical Acupuncture
Giving an alternative method to aid in recovery
Medical acupuncture or dry needling (as it is sometimes called) is a modern adaptation of traditional chinese acupuncture. It is a therapeutic technique which involves inserting fine needles (0.25mm) into certain points across the body to encourage pain relief and promote healing.
How is medical acupuncture different from Chinese acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese acupuncture places emphasis on the ancient beliefs of 'yin', 'yang', and the flow of energy 'qi'. This is substituted for a combined knowledge of physiology and pathology, anatomy, and the common principals of evidence based medicine.
In the UK medical acupuncture is only practiced by healthcare professionals and is generally regarded as part of conventional medicine. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) specifically recommends the use of acupuncture for lower back pain
Is it hygienic?
Only sterile, single-use, disposable needles are used and we have been licensed by the local authority to carry out this practice.
Does It Hurt?
The needles are very fine (0.25mm), so it will not feel like having an injection or a blood test, which uses needles with a cutting edge. The sensation varies from person to person. Some people feel a slight sharpness, others feel a sensation similar to a flick and some people feel nothing at all.
Make sure you inform your osteopath of the following before undergoing acupuncture treatment:
If you have ever fainted, had a fit or experienced a 'funny turn'
If you have a bleeding disorder (haemophillia)
If you have damaged heart valves or are at particular risk of infection
If you have a pacemaker or any other implants of an electrical nature
If you are taking anti-coagulants or any kind of medication i.e warfarin